Mothers Say That the Desire to Clean Up the House Can Be a Sign the Baby Will Soon Be Born

Many mothers-to-be claim that they have an urge to organize, clean, and decorate the house the few weeks prior their babies being born, and although it may seem like it’s just a mix of excitement and anxiety, they’re sure that painting the walls, washing all the carpets, and reorganizing the living room is a sign that labor will start soon.

The Elite Indian decided to do some research into the topic to check the science behind this belief.

The Psychology of Nesting

Mothers Say That the Desire to Clean Up the House Can Be a Sign the Baby Will Soon Be Born


Just like with any other radical change in life, future moms don’t want to be caught off guard when their new baby arrives. It’s completely natural to get prepared by setting up the baby’s room, buying clothes, and stocking up on diapers. After all, the baby will come at some point and will need all of these things. But some women believe that when a mom is closer to giving birth, this urge to get ready spikes.

It’s called “nesting,” and a study from the University of McMaster in Canada suggests that it comes from evolution. As Dr. Anderson, the psychologist who led the study, explained, “It peaks in the third trimester as the birth of the baby draws near and probably serves the same purpose in women as it does in other animals,” which is to grant a safe environment for the baby and encourage bonding and attachment between the child and its parents.

The Role of Estrogen

Mothers Say That the Desire to Clean Up the House Can Be a Sign the Baby Will Soon Be Born

Other research explains that nesting could be caused by the same hormones that get that belly growing: Estrogen. A woman’s body produces it in high amounts when she’s expecting. It gives her an energy boost that has her engaging in more physical activity. Considering estrogen levels are at their highest during the last 3 months of pregnancy, it’s no wonder why women have the desire to get up and do things to prepare for the baby. Their bodies are driving them to get things done.

Why nesting is seen as a sign that labor is around the corner

Mothers Say That the Desire to Clean Up the House Can Be a Sign the Baby Will Soon Be Born

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But apart from being a psychological response led by hormones, tradition says that nesting could be read as a sign that labor is close and that it could be seen as a body alert. This is because the time when nesting occurs during the last few weeks of pregnancy, and the closeness to the due date, overlap.

Nesting appears so close to a woman’s due date that it gets confused for a symptom that the baby will arrive soon. But because it can also appear during the second trimester, it should be taken as a psychological symptom, not a physical symptom that mom’s about to pop. In fact, some women never experience nesting, and others report it during the first and second trimesters, far away from their due dates.

Advice for the nesting woman and her family

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For those of you who don’t know me, I’m about to have our 3rd baby and I’m SO GRATEFUL for being pregnant again, especially at my age and I thank god everyday for blessing me, but Oh my lord am I ready to have this baby. 😂 2 weeks and change till we welcome our new little human and as every woman in history who has ever had a baby knows well, the last month is SO HARD! Ladies, what are some of your most uncomfortable memories from the last month before delivery? I mean, i seriously gotta relate to some mama’s for a second! I’m fully elephant ankles, back pain, hips hurt, running to the bathroom every 15 minutes. And sleep? Forget it. Which is so annoying because if the baby is a screamer like our eldest was, we won’t be seeing the back of our eyes for the next few years!😅 Tbh, bring it on because as long as I can stretch again and go to the gym again and just be able to simply put my socks on again without turning red from effort, I think I’ll be able to handle anything. The only positive is this awesome dress by @asos which i love and is so cool and comfy, but I’m wearing it so much because i only have a few nice maternity dresses! 2 weeks and change people. Let’s do this.✊🏼😎

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Nesting is a natural phenomenon, but if a woman’s pregnant, she and her loved ones need to make sure she’s not taking any risks.

Preparing for the arrival of the baby means organizing rooms. That’s fine as long as mom doesn’t wear herself out or carry any excess weight. It also means cleaning spaces. For this, women should avoid harsh chemicals like bleach that could put her and her baby in danger. Finally, nesting is also present in buying items for the baby, so if you have a tight budget, it’s best to postpone or avoid shopping for unnecessary, though really cute, baby items.

But after you do this, try to relax, lay down, and enjoy the last weeks of closeness with the baby. Believe it or not, you´ll miss that belly.

Have you ever experienced this phenomenon? What would be your way of getting ready for a baby? Share it in the comment section!

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