Moisturizing the skin, drinking diet sodas, and listening to music are daily habits in which we often do not think about the consequences. But the truth is that even the most common routines can become addictive and damaging to the mind and body.
To help inform you, We highlights the most common daily actions that can lead to compulsive behavior.
Moisturizing Your Skin
©, © TanyaLovus /
Moisturizing your skin for a long period of time can make you forget how to hydrate. One study found that if you stop using atopic creams on your body, your skin can remain dry for up to 3 weeks without hydration.
But the good news is that natural hydration can be restored naturally and gradually.
Drinking Diet Soda
© mantistobogganmMD / reddit
Diet sodas have artificial sweeteners in their composition, and because they are as sweet as sugar, they also stimulate cravings and dependencies.
This is why switching from a regular soda to a diet version is not the best approach if you want to lose weight.
Tanning In A UV Bed
Studies say that the ultraviolet rays released in tanning beds increase brain blood flow in areas associated with substance dependence.
That’s why people who like to tan indoors often come back for more in a short amount of time, even if they don’t need it.
Applying Lip Balm
Considered a behavioral addiction, the desire to apply lip balm worries a large number of consumers.
This is because it is a ritual that brings pleasure and can become an obsessive act, such as nail-biting or hair pulling.
Listening To Music
When we listen to music, dopamine is released in our brain. While this can make us more euphoric and anxious, listening to music is also linked to a number of benefits, such as improving cognitive performance, lowering stress, and improving mood.
Whitening Your Teeth
Not only is teeth whitening addictive, but the disorder also has a name of its own: bleachorexia.
It can be seen as a body dysmorphic problem, as people tend to always see their teeth yellow and dirty, even when they are already perfectly white.
Falling In Love
The early stages of passion have characteristics similar to substance addiction, such as cravings, euphoria, and anxiety.
This is because both sensations stimulate the same area of the brain that is responsible for knowing the experiences of reward and impulse.
What is your favorite daily habit that you can’t live without?