18 People Reveal Their Loved Ones’ Weird Habits

We can’t hide from the truth and have to admit that everyone has their own quirks. It’s just that some people have more of them, while others don’t show them as much. For example, there are people who don’t eat pancake “crusts,” who store sugar in “tea” boxes, or who don’t remove the plastic protector from their devices for years. And if their loved ones aren’t happy about their habits, they try to change them. But sometimes it’s easier just to let it go and share these weird habits with the world.

We at The Elite Indian also believe that sometimes it’s better to ignore a situation and keep on smiling as if nothing weird has happened. People like putting food on their keyboard, so what? But some quirks, like the one with the knife in the drying rack, should be paid attention to!

“My husband doesn’t want the case to get scratched because it’ll make him nervous.”

18 People Reveal Their Loved Ones’ Weird Habits

“My brother sets a new alarm every night.”

18 People Reveal Their Loved Ones’ Weird Habits

“How my girlfriend opens the bread”

18 People Reveal Their Loved Ones’ Weird Habits

“My dad likes to take a small bite out of all the cookies and then put them back.”

18 People Reveal Their Loved Ones’ Weird Habits

“How my girlfriend watches TV”

18 People Reveal Their Loved Ones’ Weird Habits

“This is how my mom puts the knives away in the drying rack.”

18 People Reveal Their Loved Ones’ Weird Habits

“My girlfriend doesn’t eat the ends of her fries.”

18 People Reveal Their Loved Ones’ Weird Habits

Some people eat only fish and ignore the rest of the sushi ingredients.

18 People Reveal Their Loved Ones’ Weird Habits

“How my dad puts away the silverware”

18 People Reveal Their Loved Ones’ Weird Habits

“This is how my fiancée ate her pizza when we visited Naples. It happened the day after we got engaged. Should I call it off?”

18 People Reveal Their Loved Ones’ Weird Habits

“My friend’s desktop background”

18 People Reveal Their Loved Ones’ Weird Habits

“This is my family.”

18 People Reveal Their Loved Ones’ Weird Habits

“I found this in my kitchen and I guess I’m divorcing my wife.”

18 People Reveal Their Loved Ones’ Weird Habits

“My boss is physically incapable of pointing at the screen without touching it.”

18 People Reveal Their Loved Ones’ Weird Habits

“My girlfriend refuses to eat the ’crust’ off a pancake.”

18 People Reveal Their Loved Ones’ Weird Habits

“My dad watches TV with the menu up.”

18 People Reveal Their Loved Ones’ Weird Habits

“How my girlfriend used our stick of butter”

18 People Reveal Their Loved Ones’ Weird Habits

“My dad has had this laptop for 4 years and he’s still refusing to take the plastic protector off.”

18 People Reveal Their Loved Ones’ Weird Habits

Have you ever noticed your loved ones or colleagues doing weird things like these?

Preview photo credit yelpisforsnitches / reddit

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